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After Multiple Record-Setting Seasons and a Heisman Finalists, What Exactly Do We Expect from Ohio State Quarterbacks?

A few years ago, I wrote an article about Don Unverferth, Ohio State starting quarterback during the mid 1960's. The somewhat tongue-in-cheek point of the piece was to show that though Unverferth was statistically a pretty bad quarterback, his incredible contributions off the field completely overshadow anything that he did or didn't do on the field.

Welp, consider my ass grass because almost immediately afterwards I got an e-mail from former Columbus mayor Greg Lashutka, a teammate of Unverferth's who played tight end, and he pointed out that guess what, knucklehead: Unverferth was actually a great leader and pretty good quarterback statistically for his time, and that as the game of football has changed over the years, so to has our expectations for what a quarterback should be responsible for on the field.