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40 Years: A Look Back at a Powerhouse 1975 Ohio State Team

Walk back with me in time. We’ll set our time machine for a nice round number and go back 40 years. The year was 1975 and Woody Hayes presided over a powerhouse Ohio State roster.

Many of those Buckeyes are iconic. Even if you’re too young to have seen them play, you’ve heard the names: Archie and Ray Griffin, Cornelius Greene, Pete Johnson, Brian Baschnagel, Tim Fox, Bob Brudzinski, and Tom Skladany. Even Tom Cousineau was on that team, in the two-deep as a freshman.

The 1975 Buckeyes were coming off a 10-2 season the year before, with an inexplicable 16-13 stumble against a seven-win Michigan State team in East Lansing and a one-point loss to No.