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Rewind: Home is where the power is for Khris Davis

OAKLAND — The power Khris Davis shows at the normally pitcher-friendly Coliseum is self-evident.

It’s a good thing, because the A’s slugger sure isn’t one for talking about it.

Asked Friday night if it was extra-special setting a career high in homers in his first season with Oakland, Davis just shook his head.

Quizzed on why his swing allows him to generate so much opposite-field power in this ballpark, he offered:

“I don’t know, I honestly don’t know. I have no answer.”

If it ain’t broke, why discuss it?

Davis connected for his 28th homer during the A’s three-run first inning Friday against Mariners starter Joe Wieland, which sent them on their way to a 6-3 victory to open this three-game series.