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Kotsay Also A Rookie, Eyeball Scout Praises A Different Freshman...

It’s easy to forget that amongst the 712 rookie the A’s have employed on the 2022 roster, their manager is included. With a rookie, you expect and forgive the “rookie mistakes” and “growing pains” that come with being a fresh faced rookie of ... 46. Hey, he’s not even old for his league considering that Tony La Russa is 77, Dusty Baker 73.

That being said, Kotsay is making what we hope are rookie mistakes and not decisions he will continue to make as the A’s skipper moving forward. And let’s be honest here: the guy in charge of rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic had a better chance of success than Kotsay ruminating about whether to go with Kirby Snead or something called a Collin Wiles, or whether to have his terrible hitter bounce into a DP or bunt two pitches foul before hitting into a DP.