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Jose Canseco on new podcast: I turned down Madonna, injected Sasquatch with PEDs, or is it the other way around?

Jose Canseco launched a podcast Wednesday. Sasquatch, you’ve been warned.

You too, dear reader.

“This is going to be such a different type of podcast,” Canseco said on the inaugural post of “The Truth Hurts.” If you stick with it for all 103 minutes, your brain will be begging for relief as well.

“We’re going to talk about every subject matter,” Canseco prattled on. “Not just baseball. We’re going to cover everything from finances to divorce and marriages, baseball, Sasquatch, aliens, the galaxy.

“The experience I have is like a 500-year-old vampire.”

Canseco hit the ground spilling, excoriating Alex Rodriguez, “one of the biggest liars I’ve ever seen in my life.