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Game #71: Sonny Implodes in First Inning, A’s Lose 4-8

The Astros unloaded on Sonny in the 1st inning, sending his stock plummeting. Oakland’s runs came in dribs and drabs, but they couldn’t claw their way back even as the Astros offense lay dormant for most of the game.

I Want to Get Off Mr. Gray’s Wild Ride

Sonny wasted no time putting the game out of reach. George Springer hit a leadoff home run - a towering blast to left field on a 3-1 dead center fastball. Then a 4-pitch walk to Reddick where the final ball landed 10 feet in front of home plate. Then an Altuve bunt single on an absolutely abysmal throw from Healy that Alonso barely saved from being an error.