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Eyeball Scout Checks In From The Cactus League

Armed and dangerous with his 1980s cassette tape recorder, the Eyeball Scout was on the prowl yesterday before being blinded by the horrific sight of the A’s coughing up 15 runs on an estimated 37 hits.

Before I drop the curtain on the small sample theatre that is my observations of Friday’s and Saturday’s games, here’s what you have to look forward to, or dread, depending on your point of eww.

I was able to tear future-hall-of-famer Max Schrock away from a Sudoku puzzle he was beginning to solve at his locker. Assuring me I would not disrupt his Sudoku rhythm (I could not live with myself if I got him out of the zone and he retired with two blank squares), the 5’8" contact machine and I chatted about low K-rates, 2B defense, other positions, fishing — I think you will enjoy this interview and I hope to transcribe it over the next 72 hours.