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Elephant Rumblings: Reactions to idea of playing 2020 MLB season in Arizona

MLB responds to Monday’s reports about potentially playing the season in Arizona.

Would the players even be onboard with spending that long away from home?

If it means my kids will not get to see their dad for months, no. Absolutely 100% no.

— Kaycee Sogard (@KayceeSogard) April 7, 2020

A second vote for “no”

If it means my kids will not get to see their dad for months, no. Absolutely 100% no.

— Kaycee Sogard (@KayceeSogard) April 7, 2020

Slusser brings up another interesting point

As I’ve written a couple of times, baseball is among the least sanitary sports - rampant spitting (tobacco, seeds), pitchers who lick their fingers before handling the ball, etc.