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Behind the rhythm of ‘DJ Matt Chapman’: A third base revolution for our eyes, ears

Schlepping gear is a rookie’s responsibility, passed down draft class to draft class. Carrying the music, though, became the privilege of one special rookie.

Midway through the 2017 season, after hearing Matt Chapman’s all-encompassing musical selections blaring over the weight room speakers, veteran outfielder Matt Joyce knighted Chapman “DJ Rookie.”

“But I didn’t mind it,” Chapman said. “Now it’s a blessing and a curse, because I’m still carrying the music.”

Step into the A’s clubhouse on any given day and Chapman’s carefully selected Spotify playlists are likely booming from the speakers above. After a win, on the bus after a loss, during meals, as batting practice background and at off-day golf excursions, the mood is always up, and the musical taste eclectic.