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Irish Raise Green

Loyal Readers, if there is one thing that our little section of the internet succeeds very well at, it’s raising money for charity. To kick off this season, @PDXIrish (and @bridgetgoirish with a design assist) is spearheading an effort, #IrishRaiseGreen, to raise money for Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization and RAICES. Because combining charity and football is always a fantastic thing, donation amounts are determined by a ND football bingo game of sorts.

Here’s how this works:

Click image for full size.

For those that prefer text, here is the breakdown:

$5 for Every:

  • Michigan Turnover
  • Wimbush passing TD
  • Three and out stop (by ND, we are not cheering for Michigan even for charity)
  • Punt Inside the 10

$10 If the Following Happens:

  • ND Comes out in Green Jerseys (bonus if you want to go broke: $1 extra for every tweet you see freaking the fuck out about this)
  • Notre Dame Wins
  • Harbaugh tells his players to not eat chicken because it’s a nervous bird
  • BK Nips out on TV (one occurrence only, extra occurrences are for your viewing pleasure)
  • Justin Yoon hits a 45+ yard FG
  • Harbaugh wears pleated Khakis
  • TD catch by a freshman
  • TD catch by a TE
  • 2+ Sacks by the D-Line
  • Any RB #RTDB (runs the damn ball) for 100+ yards
  • Kelly curses on live TV (again, only one occurrence)

#RememberTheSix Special: $37 if Michigan is Shutout

I will be participating in this as well, I encourage you to take the below scorecard and join in too!