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Klose inspection! Eagle-eyed fans catch Timm Klose browsing Pornhub as Norwich defender shares Instagram story with tab accidentally in view

With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to take its toll, footballers are looking to interact with their fanbases more and more through social media. However, one professional appears to have overshared a bit too much information...

Timm Klose took to Instagram to update his followers with his movements by sharing posting a picture on his story of himself watching a programme on Netflix.

However, eagle-eyed viewers noticed that the Norwich City defender had two tabs up on his MacBook - with the latter of the X-rated variety.

Norwich City defender Timm Klose has been caught on Instagram with a tab open to Pornhub
Klose was update his fans with a post about Netflix but it inadvertently turned into something else
Eagle-eyed followers noticed the second tab on Klose's screen as he shared an Instagram story

Alongside Netflix, it appears that the centre back had a tab linking to Pornhub open too.