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Where are we Wednesday: David

There are moments in sports, and really throughout history, where groups or individuals do something incredible, defy the odds, and beat a formidable opponent. From David taking down Goliath, to the Miracle on Ice, to UMBC beating Virginia, the underdog stories we all know and love constantly surround us.

The biblical story of David and Goliath represents one of the greatest upsets of all time. A young, untrained, sheepherder taking down a nine foot tall giant. But what is David thinking as he walks into battle? How does he do the extraordinary?

While we will never know David’s thoughts as he approached the battlefield and his massive opponent stood in front of him, he knew that he couldn’t defeat Goliath by fighting on Goliath’s terms — in hand-to-hand combat where Goliath would use his 26 foot long spear.