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UNC's Erg-A-Thon Efforts Benefit Lineberger

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – On Oct. 21, the UNC rowing team hosted its fifth-annual Erg-A-Thon, supporting breast cancer research and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. The event, located on UNC’s campus near the Pit, involved participants rowing on “ergs,” a special type of rowing machine.

Overall, junior rower Stephanie Wangerin believed this year’s Erg-A-Thon was a success.

“I think the Erg-A-Thon went really well and was a ton of fun for our team and other students who participated,” Wangerin said. “The event was a little different than in past years, as we had ‘celebrity rowers’ come and encourage the student body to donate to row with them.