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Extra Points: Homecoming For Clyde

Popular Franklin Street restaurants like The Rat and Zoom Zoom are long gone, and campus landmarks like the Scuttlebutt and Tin Can have been razed to make way for the Kenan Music Building and Fetzer Gym. But as Clyde Christensen makes his daily lunchtime walk around town and campus, it's not hard to reach back 45 years and conjure up Mike Voight running the toss sweep for seven more yards and the Eagles' Hotel California blaring out from a third-floor suite at Ehringhaus Dorm.

"They've put up a lot of new stuff, but the nuts and bolts and brick and mortar of this place are the same," says Christenson, a Tar Heel quarterback from 1976-78 and during the 2023 season a volunteer offensive analyst on Coach Mack Brown's staff.