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Chapel Hill Seeks Ownership of Franklin Street To Make Expanded Sidewalks Permanent

Related Topics: Chapel Hill, Franklin Street

Although Franklin Street is the centerpiece of downtown Chapel Hill, the local government doesn’t control the road. That power falls to the state dept. of transportation. A recent petition submitted to the Town of Chapel Hill is looking to change that. Chapel Hill submitted a petition asking the town to explore taking over the downtown portion of Franklin Street. ( John Sanders: Giant of NC civic life
UNC alum and former School of Government director John Sanders passed away at age 94. In his long and very full life, John did more...
Fri Oct 29, 2021

UNC Campus EMS Offers Student-Led Support, Advocacy to Carolina Community
A new, student-led group will now work alongside UNC’s Public Safety Department, Orange County EMS, and the Chapel Hill Fire Department to help respond to.