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Everybody loves Zdeno Chara

BOSTON -- Zdeno Chara and Rod Brind'Amour overlapped in the NHL as players for 12 seasons, and Brind'Amour spent most of that time resenting the 6-foot-9 defenseman.

"Not too many fond memories, that's for sure," Brind'Amour said earlier this month. "A lot like Scott Stevens for me. He was the kind of player you knew when you were in the corner that you were either gonna get crushed or something was gonna happen."

Brind'Amour retired in 2010 and now coaches the Carolina Hurricanes. Chara is still the captain of the Boston Bruins, imposing his size and will on opponents -- while giving zero indications of retirement, even as the NHL morphs quickly around him as a younger, faster man's game.