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Blackhawks Sued by Former Female Employee; Accused of Sexual Harassment, Fraud, More

Related Topics: Chicago Blackhawks, Samah Assad

Nina Sanders, who formerly worked as a contractor for the Chicago Blackhawks, filed a lawsuit Tuesday accusing the team of fraud and sexual harassment, Dave Savini and Samah Assad reported for CBS Chicago.

Sanders, a Native American woman who filed the lawsuit in the Circuit Court of Cook County, is also accusing the Blackhawks of breach of oral contract, per Savini and Assad.

In her lawsuit, Sanders accused a man working with the Blackhawks of "inappropriate sexual advances," non-consensual touching and sending her "sexually explicit videos," according to the lawsuit.

Sanders said she reported these alleged incidents, as well as two more involving other women being "groped" by men working with the team, and that the Blackhawks responded by pushing her out of her role, Savini and Assad reported.