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Blackhawks Championship 2015 Banner, Ring Ceremony, Twitter Reaction, Highlights

The National Hockey League returned on Wednesday night with the defending champion Chicago Blackhawks kicking off the season by celebrating their Stanley Cup triumph last season. Before their game against the New York Rangers, the organization raised a new championship banner to the rafters.

Not featured during the ceremony, but still worth noting, the Blackhawks also received their rings on Wednesday. Chicago gave fans a first look on Sunday at the championship rings the staff and players will receive:

— Chicago Blackhawks (@NHLBlackhawks) October 5, 2015

The Blackhawks were treated to a celebrity's welcome on Wednesday night as they entered the United Center in style as the team and CSN Blackhawks shows:

— Chicago Blackhawks (@NHLBlackhawks) October 7, 2015

More pictures from red carpet!