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WATCH: Rob Gronkowski grilled about Deflategate on ESPN

New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski and New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. figured they going to be floated with some easy questions during an appearance on “SportsCenter” regarding how they are the two finalists to be the cover boy on “Madden 16.”

Instead, Jay Crawford ambushed Gronkowski, peppering him with questions regarding the Deflategate controversy and then refusing to leave it alone after the tight end attempted to put the kibosh on that particular line of questioning.

The relevant part of what was supposed to be a promotional appearance on ESPN, as transcribed by Sports Grid’s Jake O’Donnell:

“Well, Tom is the leader of our team and has full support from myself and definitely the organization — as you can see the statements Bob Kraft has been putting out there,” Gronkowski said.