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Walkthrough: Placebo-Action Passing

While doing some historical research to commemorate the NFL's 100th birthday, I stumbled across something important in the archives of the Kewanee Evening Surveyor: it turns out that Sunday, October 3 is the 100th anniversary of the Establishment of the Run!

Here's an account of that fateful moment:

Halas of Decatur Establishes Gridiron Precedent in Inaugural Pro Skirmish
By Irving J. Ollsenhammer
October 3, 1920

The Staleys of Decatur basked in laudation after a titanic 20-0 triumph over the Moline Universal Tractors in professional gridiron combat on Sunday, a victory due in no small part to novel strategizing by Mister George Halas, captain and commander of the Decatur eleven.