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Report: Tyreek Hill Could Be Placed on NFL's Commissioner Exempt List This Week

Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Tyreek Hill reportedly could be placed on the NFL's commissioner exempt list as early as this week.

On Sunday, Dan Graziano of cited a source who said the league is considering doing so after the NFL and players union received audiotape of Hill and his fiancee, Crystal Espinal, discussing their child's injuries in relation to an ongoing criminal investigation.

The ESPN report explained Hill would not be allowed to practice or participate in team activities if placed on the list.

"The designation is utilized as a way to keep a player off the field during the time period while the league reviews a charge or allegation and reaches a final conclusion on discipline, and it usually waits until the legal system concludes its process, which was just reopened in Kansas City last week after prosecutors received the audio from a local TV station," it noted.