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Mel Farr, Former Detroit Lions Running Back, Dies at 70

Former Detroit Lions running back Mel Farr died Monday. He was 70 years old.

Paula Pasche of the Daily Tribune noted that the Lions confirmed his death late Monday night.

Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press passed along an update and quote from Farr’s ex-teammate, cornerback Lem Barney:

His ex-teammate & good friend, Lem Barney, said Mel was not in failing health, just went to a local hospital because he wasn't feeling good

— Dave Birkett (@davebirkett) August 4, 2015

Lem Barney on Mel Farr and Charlie Sanders, ex-Lions who died about a month apart: "They're probably strolling around in heaven all day now"

— Dave Birkett (@davebirkett) August 4, 2015

Farr was a dynamic playmaker during his Detroit career that spanned from 1967 to 1973.