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Drew Brees Wrestles a Crocodile on 'Running Wild with Bear Grylls'

Here’s a preview of Running Wild w Bear Grylls. Airs tonight at 9 pm cst on NBC

— Drew Brees (@drewbrees) September 7, 2015

Drew Brees: Super Bowl XLIV champion, adoring husband and father, upstanding citizen, Mardi Gras king and...crocodile wrestler?

Yep. The New Orleans Saints quarterback got down and dirty on Monday's episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls, wrestling a large reptile in the depths of a Panamanian jungle.

Brees adopted quite the daring spirit on his adventure through the Central American country.

He jumped out of a helicopter:

Climbed around some bat caves:

And got quite the souvenir from his British companion to commemorate the experience: a crocodile tooth necklace—you know, for good luck:

Grylls gave Brees a crocodile tooth necklace “Hopefully it will bring you good luck for the Saints” #RunningWild pic.