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Could Kellen Winslow Jr.'s Attorneys Use Football-Induced Brain Injury as Defense for Alleged Crimes?

Former NFL tight end Kellen Winslow Jr. faces nine charges and disturbing accusations that he kidnapped, raped and terrorized multiple women in Encinitas, California over the last three months. If convicted on the charges, the 34-year-old Winslow could be sentenced to life in prison.

On Friday, Winslow appeared in a San Diego County Superior Court in Vista and pleaded not guilty to all of the charges. Per an order by Superior Court Judge Robert Dahlquist, Winslow has been jailed without bail. He will next appear in court on June 25 for a preliminary hearing. Criminal defense attorney Brian Watkins will represent Winslow while the office of San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan will prosecute.