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Column: Has NFL's PR machine finally met its match?

Merry Christmas, Mr. Commissioner. Enjoy your lump of coal.

Even though the holiday is nearly four months off, we already know what Roger Goodell will find under his tree on Christmas Day. It's a movie scheduled for release that morning based on a true story and bluntly titled "Concussion." It could do for the NFL what "The Insider" did for Big Tobacco and "Erin Brockovich" did for big energy companies.

In a trailer released earlier this week, Will Smith, one of the most bankable stars in show business, portrays Dr. Bennet Omalu, a Nigerian-born forensic pathologist who identified a degenerative disease in football players known as CTE, or chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and is stunned to find the league trying to discredit his research at every turn

That comes as little surprise to Omalu's mentor and colleague, played by Albert Brooks.