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MARTIN SAMUEL: Roman Abramovich's downfall has already shone an unwelcome light on the ownership at Newcastle... if Saudis of greater toxicity have been welcomed through the door at St James' Park, how can the Saudi Media Group be kicked out of Chelsea?

There are some people who think the Government couldn’t run a whelk stall; it’s certainly found bother trying to run a football club.

Sanctioning Roman Abramovich is easy. Steering Chelsea FC the hard part. If the interest of the Saudi Media Group is genuine at £2.7billion, there is also now be a huge decision to make.

Let it through and this will be the Government that sold football out to Saudi Arabia, just at a time when politicians were pontificating about fans taking back control. Block the deal and they may well have rejected the best offer, for no good reason, considering Saudi owners of considerably greater toxicity have already been welcomed through the door at Newcastle.