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Evidence against Shelvey 'compelling'

Newcastle United midfielder Jonjo Shelvey's five-game racial abuse ban was upheld on the strength of "clear and compelling" evidence by three Wolves players.

Dominic Iorfa, Matt Doherty and Cameron Borthwick-Jackson all testified against Shelvey, 24, regarding comments made to Morocco midfielder Romain Saiss.

Their evidence confirmed that Shelvey had referred to Saiss' ethnic origin.

There were also "serious concerns" over the credibility of Shelvey's evidence.

England international Shelvey has chosen not to appeal against his fine and ban but maintains he did not use racially abusive language.

What happened?

The incident between Shelvey and Saiss, 26, in Newcastle's 2-0 home Championship defeat by Wolves in September was started by the dismissal of Magpies midfielder Vurnon Anita.