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Yankees Potential Free Agent Target: Lucas Giolito

Related Topics: Lucas Giolito, New York Yankees

As the Yankees deliberate how to resuscitate their anemic starting staff, a frontline addition could be in the cards, or a series of prove-it deals that serve as a bridge for a group of high-minors prospects. But why not something in between?

FanGraphs’ crowd-sourcing methods project Lucas Giolito for a deal from two to three years for $30 to 40 million, while Ben Clemens is the high-man, predicting a four-year, $60 million deal. I might not go as high as Clemens’ figure, but Giolito is clearly a cut above pitchers seeking prove-it contracts.

The right-hander had a tough full-season debut in 2018, but after a velocity bump thanks to a shortening of his arm action, he pitched like an ace from 2019-2021.