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Yankees pitcher Masahiro Tanaka was very good at Instagram in 2018

Masahiro Tanaka’s Instagram is a place of wonder and joy. During the season, we get to enjoy Tanaka’s adorable smile in his post-victory shots. In the offseason, Tanaka graciously invites us into his many exploits, which include bass fishing and fanboying over Japanese pop idols. As far as Yankees on social media go, Tanaka’s Insta is on par with Didi’s Twitter in terms of cuteness and wholesomeness.

However, there is one twist to Tanaka’s Instagram feed - the captions are almost completely written in Japanese. Luckily for those unfamiliar with the tongue, Instagram features a translation function (which only exists on the mobile app, apparently) that’s not perfect but will still give you a good idea of what the original post says.