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Yankees have fully embraced their power and it’s terrifying

“I feel sorry for the baseballs.”
— Giancarlo Stanton, YES Network, Dec. 11, 2017

Six baseballs collected serious frequent-flyer points on a scorching Sunday night in The Bronx, courtesy of the 2018 New York Yankees. That Stanton, the first-year Yankee, did not contribute explicitly to this latest power display, settling merely for a single and a double that combined for 236 miles per hour in exit velocity — no vacation for those balls, either — reflects the depth and breadth of this team’s offensive attack.

The Yankees pummeled David Price and the rival Red Sox, 11-1, to prevail in this weekend Yankee Stadium series, 2-1, and tie the Sawx, technically, atop the American League East penthouse while taking a two-game lead in the loss column.