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With COVID-19 on the rise personal protective equipment (PPE) is in high demand and short supply. Medical professionals in hard hit areas are struggling with the shortage constantly being put at risk while doing their jobs.

With COVID-19 on the rise personal protective equipment (PPE) is in high demand and short supply. Medical professionals in hard hit areas are struggling with the shortage constantly being put at risk while doing their jobs.

Big name celebrities have been stepping up to do their part and Yankees slugger, Giancarlo Stanton, decided to join in. Wednesday, Stanton announced he would donate the first 12,000 face masks. Stanton has partnered with Voodoo Manufacturing, a 3D printing, prototyping and design company, to use 3D printers to mass produce PPE for those in need.

The 12,000 masks already produced will be split between his current home, New York, and his childhood home, Southern California.