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Quick hit: CC, Girardi ejected

Wow… CC was pissed. I don’t blame him, or C.J. Wilson for that matter. Home plate ump, Dan Bellino’s zone was pretty awful most of the day.

But, hey, at least the Yankees won!

Stacey Gotsulias

Stacey is co-Editor-in-Chief of It's About The Money, co-host of the It's About The Money, Stupid podcast and is a monthly contributor to ESPN's SweetSpot Blog. She is a former contributor at Aerys Sports and High Heat Stats. She has contributed to group projects at Baseball: Past And Present and the Hall of Stats. Her work has appeared in USA Today's Sports Weekly and most recently, she wrote four pieces for Derek Jeter: Celebrating the Yankees' Captain Clutch, a magazine printed by i5 Publishing.