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Pinstripe Alley Top 100 Yankees: #64 Allie Reynolds

Name: Allie Pierce Reynolds
Position: Starting/relief pitcher
Born: February 10, 1917 (Bethany, OK)
Died: December 26, 1994 (Oklahoma City, OK)
Yankee Years: 1947-54
Primary number: 22
Yankee statistics: 131-60, 3.30 ERA, 3.74 FIP, 295 G, 209 GS, 1,700 IP, 967 K, 96 CG, 27 SHO, 40 SV, 85 ERA-, 97 FIP-, 19.6 rWAR, 21.0 fWAR


For eight seasons in the forties and fifties, the Yankees had the privilege of watching Allie Reynolds ply his craft on the mound. A truly gifted athlete, he twirled two no-hitters, pitched in multiple role, won six rings, and was a monster in World Series play, eventually earning enshrinement in Monument Park.