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Pinstripe Alley Opening Day Questionnaire

Annnnnd we’re back! The Yankees kick off their season this afternoon, which means the Pinstripe Alley staff is gearing back up for another season of Yankees’ coverage. As has been our tradition the last few Opening Days, we’d like to take this chance to get to know each other a little better.

Feel free to fill out the following questionnaire in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you. If you feel like sharing anything beyond what is listed, go ahead and do that too.

Happy Opening Day!

First name:
How/when did you become a Yankee fan:
Favorite current Yankee:
Favorite childhood Yankee:
MLB player you'd most like to meet for a beer:
Favorite baseball movie:
Position you’d play on the diamond:
Hypothetical walk-up music:
Favorite TV character:
Waffles or Pancakes:
On Twitter I am:
Fun fact on the back of your baseball card:

Here are my answers.