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LISTEN: Roger Clemens Talks Striking Out 20 Batters, Says ‘Intimidating Is Winning’

On this episode of Robert Wuhl’s Ipso Facto podcast, he sat down with controversial retired pitcher Roger Clemens. Wuhl is upfront about the fact that he’s been friends with Clemens for more than 20 years, so their (NSFW) chat is a friendly one, though some uncomfortable topics are touched on, like steroids and the Hall of Fame. Clemens also talks about the players he admires most and what he considers his greatest game.

On the subject of the best game he ever played: Clemens couldn’t name one as his all-time favorite, but he did say that the legendary April 29, 1986 Boston Red Sox-Seattle Mariners game where he became the first Major League Baseball player to strike out 20 batters in nine innings was something that he looks back on fondly.