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‘He Wrote This In The Middle Of The Best Baseball Season Ever’: Author Alan D. Gaff On ‘Lou Gehrig: The Lost Memoir’

(CBS Local)– Lou Gehrig is one the greatest baseball players in MLB history.

The Iron Horse was a six-time World Series champion, two-time AL MVP, and a Triple Crown winner. Baseball fans will have the chance to relive Gehrig’s life and career in the new Simon & Schuster book from author Alan D. Gaff called “Lou Gehrig: The Lost Memoir.”

The book features Gehrig’s memoir that was originally published in the newspaper while he was a 24-year-old playing on the 1927 New York Yankees with Babe Ruth. Gaff discovered the memoir while he was doing research for another project and thought it was time for the public to experience Gehrig in his own words in 2020.