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For the 2022 Yankees, the only thing that stands in their way are bad vibes

On February 16th of this year, potentially the article (and the statement) of the year was written: “A Vibe Shift Is Coming: Will any of us survive it?,” written by Allison P. Davis of The Cut. This piece codified a term for what would normally be a word that would exist in German but would have no English translation: the emotions and feelings that encompass how we filter events in the world, the way in which we self-present, and consequently how events are shaped by those very things. Simply, they are called Vibes. She writes:

“A vibe shift is the catchy but sort of too-cool term [consultant and Substacker Seak] Monahan uses for a relatively simple idea: In the culture, sometimes things change, and a once-dominant social wavelength starts to feel dated.