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Derek Jeter dig, Red Sox brawls: A-Rod’s top 10 controversies


Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez’s career has been defined by a juxtaposition of incredible athletic feats and unfathomable controversies. The Post ranked the former on Tuesday, so here are A-Rod’s top-10 controversies.

10. Jose Canseco rips Alex

In a 2007 interview with Fox Business, Canseco, a noted steroid cheat and teammates with A-Rod in Texas, said he “could not believe” Rodriguez was not named in the Mitchell Report. Later, in his 2008 book “Vindicated,” Canseco says he “did everything but inject [Rodriguez] myself.”

9. Joe Torre’s “The Yankee Years”

Torre devoted an entire chapter to A-Rod in his book, detailing the problems he caused in the clubhouse.