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A-Rod unplugged: Talks 2016, Yanks’ new additions and chasing Babe Ruth

CORAL GABLES, Fla. — Fresh start. Fresh baseball life.

In 2016, Alex Rodriguez is determined to build off the new beginning he embarked upon last season.

“My plan this year is to continue to build on what I started last year,’’ Rodriguez said Tuesday after a lengthy workout at the University of Miami and hitting session at a nearby indoor batting cage.

“And I want to be adding value to the team both in the clubhouse and on the field. I’m happy and excited about our young players coming up. I’m excited about our bullpen.’’

Rodriguez — who opened up to The Post in a version of Alex Unplugged — proved last season he still can be an offensive force after a year away from baseball following his 2014 suspension for his involvement in the Biogenesis scandal.