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There’s surely 1 annoying clown in this Subban-Milbury garbage

OTTAWA — So I wonder who the clown is here: the charismatic player who dances a little jig during a playoff pregame warm-up, or the suit in the general manager’s chair who trades 21-year-old Roberto Luongo in order to select Rick DiPietro first overall in the draft instead of Marian Gaborik or Dany Heatley?

Hint: It is not P.K. Subban, the Spirit of 76, who is one of the handful of charismatic players in the NHL worth the price of admission.

It has been a while since Mike Milbury, the party of the latter part who often can be seen with the floppy shoes and big, red nose on the set of the staid national crew that works NHL games for the NBC networks, has said anything, well, clownish enough to land in this space.