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Hockey book: Shoot To Thrill — The history of hockey’s shootout

Been meaning to tell you guys about this book for a long time … but the end of the season, then the playoffs, got in the way.

Then I forgot. Sorry.

It’s called “Shoot To Thrill — The history of hockey’s shootout” by Mark Rosemman and Howie Karpin, with a foreword by Jiggs McDonald (Sports Publishing).

Now, you all know how I feel about the shootout, or as I like to call it, the Breakaway Contest After The Hockey Game Ends (BCATHGE).

And certainly, the 3-on-3 overtime has reduced the frequency of the shootout.

Still, these two fine gents did a great job of putting together this book, which acknowledges that some love the shootout and some hate it, but like the designated hitter in baseball, it sure generates a lot of debate.