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Yoenis Cespedes’ clutch hit in 12th propels Mets past Braves

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Wilmer Flores belts an RBI single in fourth inning of the Mets' 5-3, 12-inning win Friday night.

ATLANTA — After four straight strikeouts, Yoenis Cespedes was due to make contact Friday night.

Instead of thinking big, the slumping outfielder merely slapped a single through the right side, bringing in the go-ahead run in the Mets’ 5-3 victory over the Braves in 12 innings at SunTrust Park.

Robert Gsellman earned the win with two scoreless innings in relief, but the right-hander also played a key role in the go-ahead rally by getting hit with a pitch as the leadoff batter in the 12th inning.