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Will another Met become a legend? If so, who will it be?

LOS ANGELES — Somewhere, lurking amid the 25 names that comprise the Mets’ playoff roster, is Ron Swoboda, and Tommie Agee, and Donn Clendenon. Al Weis is hiding in that pile of names. So is Jerry Koosman.

Somewhere, hiding in plain sight, is Lenny Dykstra, and Kid Carter, and Keith Hernandez. Sid Fernandez is loitering in there somewhere. So is Ray Knight.

Somewhere in the batting order, somewhere in the bullpen, Todd Pratt is preparing for a most unpredictable time at the plate. Benny Agbayani is gripping a bat, waiting to have at a hanging curveball. Bobby Jones is getting loose, ready to pitch the game of his life.