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Who will the Mets turn to at leadoff this season?

With the roster largely set, the Mets have begun looking at lineup construction to maximize the offense from a team that underperformed for much of last season. As usual for this team, one of the spots still pending a long-term answer is leadoff.

When Jose Reyes is starting, it's largely a given that he will bat leadoff, assuming his bounceback 2016 numbers continue to hold steady. With major question marks surrounding David Wright's health, this may very well resolve the leadoff issue for the bulk of the season.

The vast majority of Reyes's career plate appearances have come out of the leadoff spot and despite no longer displaying the stolen base prowess that secured him that spot in his youth (nor the on base percentage that tends to define the classic leadoff hitter nowadays), his reputation and general offensive competence will certainly place him there for the foreseeable future.