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We're putting the band back together...

So, after four months of rumors, writing, tracking, arguing and researching, the Mets are essentially bringing back the same team they had in 2016, minus Bartolo Colon. And, I'm OK with this...

This past weekend, they reportedly reached agreements with relievers Jerry Blevins and Fernando Salas, while also signing Tom Gorzelanny to a minor-league deal.

First off, Sandy Alderson and his staff deserve credit for being patient with the market for relief pitching. They had offers to trade prospects for a right-handed reliever, they could have dumped Jay Bruce for a bag of balls and overpaid Blevins, who was pressing for a multiyear deal, but instead they held firm and ended up getting two pitches (a lefty and righty, who know the city, team and expectations) for what teams had been paying for one guy earlier in the winter.