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Syndergaard-for-Dickey trade may yield another Mets gem

PORT ST. LUCIE — The R.A. Dickey trade could be the gift that keeps on giving for the Mets.

If it isn’t enough the Dec. 17, 2012, deal with the Blue Jays netted a Cy Young-caliber pitcher and starting catcher who played a key role in the Mets’ NL pennant run two years ago, there is Wuilmer Becerra.

The Venezuelan outfielder is just 22 years old, but facing an important season in trying to show club officials he can be considered part of the organization’s future.

Noah Syndergaard was the biggest prize in the Dickey deal, and Travis d’Arnaud is attempting to rebound from a sluggish season, but will enter 2017 as the Mets’ starting catcher, nonetheless.