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Palladino: Callaway’s ‘Undefined’ Mets Bullpen Could End Up Being Huge Mistake

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Mickey Callaway will look like a genius if his “closer-by-committee” theory actually works for the Mets.

More likely, he’ll look like just another victim of ownership’s unwillingness to spend a buck on quality talent.

This is a frugal bunch, remember. Fred and Jeff Wilpon love to yank the strings of general manager Sandy Alderson’s purse. Charged with a mandate to reduce last season’s $155 million payroll, Alderson can’t even think about going after a top-notch closer like Cubs free agent Wade Davis. Nor can he marry a consumate salary with a third year he reluctantly offered Bryan Shaw last month before the Indians’ free agent setup man signed a three-year, $27 million deal with the Rockies.