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No-hitter history has been rough on Mets

Even Jimmy Qualls, the Cubs guy responsible for the "Im" in Tom Seaver's Imperfect Game 46 years ago, hardly is known outside this city and Chicago. He is infamous here for his ninth-inning single, identified as a "sin" by multitudes of New York baseball watchers. Because Seaver was Seaver, Qualls remains the most famous of the unknowns, the most widely recognized of the no-name batters who made Mets pitchers one-hit wonders until Santana.

Tom Seaver's near perfect game
Tom Seaver's near perfect game Nikon presents Shea Stadium Moment 9: Jimmy Qualls' clean single breaks up Tom Seaver's perfect game with one out in the top of the 9th

And now, a variation on that theme has occured.