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Mets History: Bartolo Colon joins the 200-win club on August 8, 2014

On August 8, 2014, then New York Mets starting pitcher, Bartolo Colon, led his offensively challenged ballclub to victory, as he notched his 200th career win against division rival, Philadelphia Phillies.

Although he wouldn’t gain the nickname, “Big Sexy,” or earn the fans’ love and adoration for the way he swung his bat just yet, Colon would cement his name in MLB history by reaching a pitching milestone only two other Dominican-born pitchers had accomplished before him.

While Hall of Fame pitchers, Pedro Martinez was 34 when he accomplished this feat in Mets colors in April of 2006, and Juan Marichal was 32 when he did it as a San Francisco Giant in August of 1970, Colon’s achievement came at the age of 41 years young; as his stellar eight-inning performance was a culmination of what had been a strong career up until that point, despite being far from the end of Colon’s noteworthy career.