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Mets can’t let one awful inning be season’s defining moment

Can one calamitous inning undo 2 ½ brilliant weeks?

We are about to find out.

“We can’t let this put us into a tailspin,” Mickey Callaway said.

But if one inning can be that perilous, that ruinous, this was that kind of inning, even for game 15 of an otherwise fabulous season. Because over the course of one endless, torturous inning, the Mets went from dancing on the graves of the Washington Nationals to turning Citi Field into a funeral parlor.

“It’s a rare thing,” Callaway said.

It better be. Because if the top of the eighth inning is going to serve for any kind of blueprint for what the Mets have in store for themselves the next few months, then there isn’t enough Maalox in the tri-state area to treat all the ulcers that will flare.